
Appointment Instructions

Note: If you are not comfortable with remote Oscillation/Resonance testing including ART testing (Autonomic Response Testing) please do not schedule an appointment.

 Information about ART.

  • Email Dr. Dan a short summary of yourself and what you are looking for. Schedule a 15 minute free consultation if you need it. If not, please schedule a new patient appointment. 
  • If you know you want to see Dr. Dan, please fill out the new patient intake forms and send electronic/PDF copies to drdankoo@proton.me
    The instructions and Intake forms can be downloaded on the bottom of this page.
  • Please carefully read Professional Wellness Association form in the following link and follow the instructions.

Sign the Waiver Form by Clicking on this link.

  • Dr. Dan’s Healing Paradigm/Principles. Please make sure you are in agreement with the following Principles.
    – Connecting to the Body and Connecting to our Environment.
    – Nature/God = Knows Best. Science is really only scratching the surface of the complexity of Nature.
    – ART testing and Perceptification is the Foundation of the Data that will be provided to make collaborative decisions together.
    – Classic Toxins, Our Bodies Response/Substances Created, and the Spiritual/Entity treatments are all equally important. Mind/Body/Spirit Treatment.
  • Dr. Dan works with Dr. Lenore for Counseling, Traumas, Spiritual Imbalances, etc.  Complete healing requires the treatment of emotions, beliefs, and spiritual imprints.  Work with Dr. Lenore is essential. 
  • Schedule with Dr. Dan.  **Please email Dr. Dan at drdankoo@proton.me for the New Patient Intake forms for now.
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