
Schedule an Appointment Online

Note: Please click on the following Calendly Link to Schedule with Dr. Dan.
The following button will direct you to Dr. Dan’s Calendly appointments page.
That will be the easiest way to schedule for now until I can trouble shoot the Nowpayments application links.

New Clients: 
First Month.
  $1,500s. Big Discount-Savings of $750s.
Includes New Client Appointment $450s, and Six 60 minute Follow-ups ($1,800s). 

After the first month, you should require less appointments.  But you will still be in the active portion of your healing.   So for 5 more months, you should sign up for the Active Treatment Membership plan.  So overall, Active Treatment is 6 months.
Individual Membership: $500/Month
Family Membership: $700/Month
Economic Hardship Membership: 5% of your Monthly Income. 

Membership Benefits.

1. Custom Audios For Aerial Shifts
2. Custom Audios for Decontamination and Detox
3. Nine to Ten 30 minute appointments per month per person.  Which is a total of 5 hours of my time, which is a value of 1,500.  For the price of $500s.  You save $1,000s.  For the Family plan you save much more.
4. Access to a List of approved Foods, and Personal Care Products.
5. Weekly Group Support Meetings on Free Conference Call.
6. Most importantly, continual access to the new treatments I am creating as we anticipate more External Exposures.

For those who are beyond the active treatment, you will be part of the Maintenance Membership Plan:
You will not need as many appointments.  You should be stable.  The changing variables will be the Aerial Shifts, NN EMFs, etc. 

Maintenance Membership Plan:
Individuals: $100s month.
Families: $200s month

Access to Custom Audios.
Updated Aerial Shift Audios.
Weekly Group Support Meetings
Updates on Environmental Changes and new interventions.

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